Family Wellness Coaching
Family Wellness Coaching

1 on 1 Coaching

  1. Self-worth
    • If you feel like others are better than you, you may lack self-worth. It is entirely possible that as a child you absorbed one or multiple toxic messages from a parent, caregiver, family member, or even a stranger, and because you were little and didn’t know any better, you internalized it. You made that message part of who you are even today. That message or idea may have become part of your foundation. And this may be keeping you from being happy with who you are.

2. Relationships

    • Being alone sucks. But sometimes being in a bad relationship sucks even more. If you are reading or listening to this, you either want to learn how to get started in an relationship or you want to work on improving the relationship you’re in. Unfortunately, talking to your friends and family can only ever get you so far. I believe that working with me can help you achieve your goals sooner rather than later.
    • Or you’re married and you want to prepare for fatherhood. Becoming a great father requires that a man actively engages in a great transformation. Yes, I can help you with this.

3. Career

    • Exchanging your time for money sucks. And if you’re stuck at a job that you hate, spending 40 + hours a week there will suck even more. More likely than not, you’re plenty talented enough, but something is holding you back. I believe I can help you figure out what limiting belief is keeping you from living a more meaningful life.

*For either of these, please remember that it will take work. It will require that you step outside of your comfort zone and go beyond it. It will require that you change, that you become a better you.

Take the next step and click on the link below to schedule a free
15-minute consultation with me. We’ll use that time to go over the
goal you want to achieve, and I’ll answer any questions you have.

Men's Group

The bottom line is that men need other men to grow. Men need other men in their lives. I grew up with women. My father left when I was seven years old. Before my father left, he was physically aggressive and emotionally absent. Unfortunately, I didn’t even have older brothers or uncles to support me. I truly was unaware that something was missing. It wasn’t until my late twenties when by luck, with my mother’s third marriage came a stepbrother. He was only a few years older than me, but he truly embraced me as his little brother. For several years we were thick as thieves. And that was when I fully understood how important it was for a man to have other men in his life.

If you connect with any part of this story, please join one of my groups. I will make every session entertaining, educational, and challenging. I’m confident you’re going to love participating in the men’s group.

Take the next step and click on the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. We’ll use that time to go over the goal you want to achieve, and I’ll answer any questions you have.

The DadNasium Bootcamp

Being an awesome dad requires a total TRANSFORMATION. Women go through this organically, but we have to be taught how to do it by other men. We cannot depend on our wives to teach us how to become fathers. I’ve been there. I’ve done it. And it’s the coolest journey any man can ever embark on.

The DadNasium Bootcamp offers fathers a unique opportunity to engage in coaching focused on enhancing their parenting skills with specific objectives and defined program duration.

This 12-week boot camp is designed as a starting point for fathers to delve into the emotional work required to foster personal growth and improve their relationships with themselves and their loved ones, both their children and their partner.

These 12 sessions are akin to a sample platter, providing a taste of various concepts and ideas. By participating in the boot camp, you will have the chance to explore different perspectives while keeping the end goal in sight. Some topics we will delve into include:

  • Understanding your role as a father and its significance
  • Gaining insights into the importance of understanding the children’s mother
  • Exploring the significance of developing a personal philosophy on fatherhood


Take the next step and click on the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. We’ll use that time to go over the goal you want to achieve, and I’ll answer any questions you have.