Today, you promise to be more patient. As fathers we’re often worried that our children are lacking maturity, and that if they are not behaving as we expect, there’s something wrong and we must crush it. But the reality is that they’re figuring out their world. They have to make mistakes – it is the only way to learn.

They must come in contact with the edges of what we think is right or wrong. It’s the only way for them to truly explore their environment. So, for today, you will be more patient. This means that for today, you will not attempt to crush them because they made a mistake. Instead, you’ll engage them with understanding. You won’t yell. You won’t punish. You can say, “It’s ok. I’m here for you”.

We are always looking for new amazing fathers who want to be part of a Fatherhood Brotherhood!

You don’t have to do fatherhood alone.